Updates to the VBA Learning Catalog "SplashContent.htm"... Friday November 16, 2016 --SplashContent.htm - under the 'Useful Links' section - *Updated the link to 'https://www.ttande.org/VBA_Learning_Catalog/Comp_Svc/CS_FY17_Mandated_Courses.xlsx'. *updated the link to 'https://www.ttande.org/VBA_Learning_Catalog/Comp_Svc/Compensation_Service_Curriculum_Updates_and_Deactivations.xlsx'. *Added Link to 'to NEW ~ Pension and Fiduciary Service Fiduciary Training Manual'. *Added link to 'NEW ~ Benefits Assistance Service FY17 NTC Letter and SOP and update the link to: https://www.ttande.org/VBA_Learning_Catalog/BAS/FY17_BAS_NTC_Letter_SOP.pdf'. Friday November 11, 2016 --SplashContent.htm - under the 'Useful Links' section - *Updated the Excel Spreadsheet linked to "Compensation Service FY16 Curriculum Updates and Deactivations." *Document <> Friday October 28, 2016 --splashcontent.html - *Added a bullet to the VBA Learning Catalog homepage for the EDU NTC SOP. *Added link 'New ~ Education Service FY17 NTC SOP.' *Added link targeted to 'https://www.ttande.org/VBA_Learning_Catalog/Education/FY17_EDU_NTC_SOP.pdf' Friday October 14, 2016 --splashcontent.html - *Remove ‘New ~’ from the Compensation Service FY16 Curriculum Updates and Deactivations link *Update the hyperlink text for ‘Compensation Service M21-3 Training Program Manual’ by adding ‘New ~’ to the beginning of the text and directing to the following link: https://vaww.compensation.pension.km.va.gov/system/templates/selfservice/va_ka/portal.html?encodedHash=%23!agent%2Fportal%2F554400000001034%2Farticle%2F554400000035051%2FSection-A-Fiscal-Year-2016-FY16-Compensation-Service-National-Training-Curriculum-CSNTC-Overview *Update the hyperlink text for ‘Pension and Fiduciary Service FY16 NTC SOP for PMC Personnel’ to ‘New ~ Pension and Fiduciary Service FY17 NTC SOP for PMC Personnel’ and direct it to the following link: https://www.ttande.org/VBA_Learning_Catalog/Pension/FY17_Pension_NTC_SOP.pdf *Change ‘New~’ to ‘Revised~’ for the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Service Letter 28-16-01 with the following link: https://www.ttande.org/VRETraining/Documents/Svc_Tng_Ltr/FY2016/VL_28-16-01.docx (This should be the same document that you are replacing on the VR&E website this week. If the link has changed, please update it appropriately.) Thursday April 4, 2016 --SplashContent.htm - under the 'Useful Links' section - added the new VR&E Letter 28-16-01 <>. Friday January 29, 2016 --SplashContent.htm - under the 'Useful Links' section - added the new bullet "Compensation Service FY16 Curriculum Updates and Deactivations" and linked the document <> to it. Friday January 08, 2016 --SplashContent.htm - under the 'Useful Links' section - *removed the 5 "NEW" descriptors from the links. *updated the "Compensation Service M21-3 Training Program Manual" link with the new one provided <> Friday November 20, 2015 --SplashContent.htm - under the 'Useful Links' section - added a spot for "Pension and Fiduciary Service FY16 NTC SOP for Fiduciary Personnel". Friday November 13, 2015 --SplashContent.htm - under the 'Useful Links' section - updated the whole right side navigation and removed and added links. Friday October 02, 2015 --SplashContent.htm - under the 'Useful Links' section - *added two new links to the top of the section. *removed the word NEW from the "Compensation Service FY15 Mandated Courses Released". Friday September 25, 2015 --SplashContent.htm - under the 'Useful Links' section - *Under ‘Curriculum’ on the left side of the page – updated “FY13 National Training Curriculum” to “FY16 National Training Curriculum”. *Removed the “VALU FY13 Training Catalog” and replaced with “VALU Course Catalog” that is hyperlinked with the URL provided here: http://vaww.infoshare.va.gov/sites/VALU/PMO/VST/Catalog/SitePages/Catalog.aspx. *Removed VA/DOD from the Services list. *Removed “FY13 Evaluations Results” and replaced with “Evaluation Results Links” with no URL changes to the links listed below. Friday July 15, 2015 --SplashContent.htm - under the 'Useful Links' section - *added the Compensation Service FY15 Mandated Courses Released bullet and document <>. *removed the word "NEW" from the other documents in this section. Friday January 30, 2015 --SplashContent.htm - under the 'Useful Links' section - under the 'Documents' subsection - updated the fast letter for Compensation Service Fast letter and Enclosure <>. Friday December 19, 2014 --SplashContent.htm - under the 'Useful Links' section - *added the Pension and Fiduciary Fast letter <>. *added the VR&E letter <>. Friday November 14, 2014 --SplashContent.htm - *under the 'Useful Links' section - under the 'Documents' subsection - updated the fast letter for Compensation Service Fast letter and Enclosure <>. *under the 'Useful Links' section - under the 'Documents' subsection - updated the fast letter for PMC Fast letter and Enclosure <>. Friday November 7, 2014 --SplashContent.htm - *under the 'Useful Links' section - under the 'Documents' subsection - updated the fast letter for BAS Fast letter and Enclosure <>. Friday October 24, 2014 --SplashContent.htm - *under the 'Useful Links' section - under the 'Documents' subsection ~Updated the Fast letter and the SOP for the Pension and Fiduciary Service's PMC letter<>. ~Updated the FY15 Fast letter and the SOP information and linked the fast letter<>. Thursday September 25, 2014 --SplashContent.htm - *under the 'Useful Links' section - under the 'Documents' subsection ~relinked a new job aid <>. ~Updated the FY15 Fast letter information and linked the fast letter<> and the SOP <>. Teusday March 18, 2014 --SplashContent.htm - under the 'Useful Links' section - under the 'Documents' subsection - relinked the comma widget to <> and linked a new job aid <>. Thursday, July 18, 2013 --SplashContent.htm - under the 'Useful Links' section - under the 'Documents' subsection - removed the 'TMS items with Level 2 Evaluations (Excel file). --deleted the TMS Items with Level I Surveys and Level II Assessments doc <>. Friday, June 14, 2013 --updated the "SplashContent.htm". Wednesday, March 6, 2013 --under the 'Usefule Links' section - under the 'Documents' subsection - *added and linked the 'WARMS' item. *deleted the 'NEW' from the 'Comma Widget tool' item. *deleted the 'NEW' from the 'List of TPSS Courses with Offline Tests' item. Monday, February 4, 2013 --under the 'Usefule Links' section - under the 'Documents' subsection - *deleted the 'NEW' from the 'Compensation Service FY 2013 NTC Requirement Spreadsheets' item. *added the 'Comma Widget tool' item and linked 'Comma Widget tool <> and job aid <>. *added the 'List of TPSS Courses with Offline Tests' item and linked <>. Monday, January 14, 2013 --under the 'Getting started: using the VBA Learning Catalog...' section - *in the 'top'section - added image <>. *added 'TO FIND COURSE MATERIAL QUICKLY:' paragraph. *deleted the second paragraph that read 'Additional content will be added over time.' --under the 'Documents' section - *deleted 'New ~' in the 'New ~ Fast Letter 12-28 and Enclosure...'. *added 'New ~ Compensation Service FY 2013 NTC Requirement Spreadsheet' announcement. --under the 'Service Training Websites' section - *changed section name to 'Training Websites'. *added 'ED&T' below 'Compensation' and linked <>. --under the 'FY2013 Evaluation Results' section - deleted 'New ~'. Thursday, January 3, 2012 --under the 'Getting started: using the VBA Learning Catalog...' section - updated the second paragraph to read 'Additional content will be added over time.' Friday, November 16, 2012 --Under the 'Getting started: using the VBA Learning Catalog...' section - updated 'VBA Learning Catalog' graphic to Section 508 compliance. --Under the 'Useful Links' section: under 'VBA Learning Catalog User Guide' - updated link. --Under the 'Useful Links' section: under 'Fast Letter 12-28' - updated name to 'Fast Letter 12-28 and Encloser and link. --Under the 'Useful Links' section: under 'Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)' - updated link. --Under the 'Useful Links' section: under 'VALU FY13 Training Catalog' - updated link. --Under the 'Useful Links' section: under 'TMS items with Level 1 and Level 2 Evaluations (Excel file)' - updated name to 'TMS items with and Level 2 Evaluations (Excel file)' and the link. Friday, November 9, 2012 --deleted "Compensation Service Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) FY13 National Training Curriculum (NTC)" link and text. --deleted Compensation Service FY 13 National Training Curriculum diagram," since it's now included in the FL SOP. --added link to new bullet: "Fast Letter 12-28, Compensation Service FY13 NTC for VBA Regional Office Personnel." --in second sentence under the "Getting Started" section, spelled out the NTC acronym. Monday, October 22, 2012 --added new section under the "Useful Links" section: "FY13 Evaluation Results."