Getting Started: Using the VBA Learning Catalog... Useful Links
3 Steps on Finding Course Materials Quickly
Catalog allows you to search for VBA training items by different options, structured around VBA-specific requirements.

To get started, select one of the options along the top:
Screen capture of Audience option

Audience Audience
Find a training topic for a certain audience (e.g., "RVSR").

Curriculum Curriculum
Find a training topic for a certain curriculum (e.g., "FY16 National Training Curriculum").

Category Category
Find a training topic for a certain category (e.g., "Entry Level").

Design/Delivery Design/Delivery
Find a training topic for a certain design/delivery option (e.g., "Online" or "Webinar").

Competency Competency
Find a training topic for a certain competency. Content under development.

This Learning Catalog contains VBA items only.
If you are looking for a broader category go to the
Talent Management System (TMS).

Documents Documents

Service Training Websites Service Training Websites

FY13 Evaluation Results Evaluation Results Links

Reviewed/Updated: 12/14/2016